Rede Internacional Café com Paulo Freire

Coffe with Paulo Freire

Inspired by Freire’s transforming essence, which brings us together as a purpose in our mission and values, The Global Educacion – Rede Pró-Educar created its nucleus Coffee with Paulo Freire with meetings based on the proposal of the International and National Network of Coffees, proposing reflection criticism, exchange of experiences and construction of Paulo Freire’s assumptions in contemporary times.

It was on the afternoon of September 17, 2020, when we held our first meeting of Coffee with Paulo Freire from The Global Education – Rede Pró-Educar. Especially with the challenge of it being online. Very happy to join this Network, with the loving participation of Liana Borges and Oscar Jara inspired us to engage in mobilizations to guarantee the legacy of Paulo Freire, Patron of Brazilian Education, that we had conquered in the last decades. In the 21st century, the attacks on education in Brazil were amplified and considerably worsened by big setbacks being set up.

It is essential to think and mobilize in the contextualization and resignification of Paulo Freire’s legacy, his role as Patron of Brazilian Education, who dreamed of a Citizen School, defined by him as a school “of companionship, of community, which lives the tense experience of democracy”. Since the promulgation of the Citizen Constitution of 1988, Brazil has been experiencing a difficult democratic experience and the struggle for an emancipatory education that promotes a culture of respect, fighting for rights and overcoming violence, as well as support for all the struggles of the countryside and the city in their different dimensions and diversity.


The Coffee with Paulo Freire magazine aims to systematize, share and make public the experiences of the so-called “Coffees” through texts that convey methodological rigor, as well as Freire’s joy and aesthetics, seeking to build an instrument that presents the pedagogical identity of the National Coffee Network with Paulo Freire and the uniqueness of each integral nucleus.

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